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GALLAGHER, Frank, was born in Cornwall, Canada in 1834 and came to Outagamie Co. in 1857. He died November 4, 1898. Emma Gallagher was born in Peekskill, NY in 1844 and came to Appleton in May of 1855. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GALPIN, Alfred was born in Weymouth, England on June 20, 1813 and was married to Mary Scott of Bath in 1840. He came to Wisconsin in August of 1848 and lived on a farm in Eagle, Waukesha Co. until August of 1826, when he came to Appleton. Nine children were born to them; Aldred, 1841, Mary Scott, 1843, Ethelwulf and Harold 1848, Ann Charlotte, 1850, Cromwell, 1851, Algernon, 1854, and W.G. August, 1856. They are still Living: Alfred, Harold, Ann, Cromwell and Algernon. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GARVEY, Mike was born in Appleton September 8, 1855 and was married October 25, 1882 to Maggie Shannon. Their children were Rena, born in 1882 who died in 1885, Marie who died in 1886. He was married to his present wife November 20, 1892 and his occupation is policeman, residing at 479 State Street, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GATES, Porter (Civil War) was born in Oneida Co., NY on May 27, 1827 and was married to Juliette Arnold in September 1850 in Oswego, NY. They had 1 son and 3 daughters; 1 son and 1 daughter are now living. The son, James P. was born in July 1860, married to Mary King of Fond du Lac; they have 1 son and live in Milwaukee. First daughter, Esther L. was born in July of 1851, died in Appleton in 1864; second daughter, Marion J. was born in Appleton in Oct. of 1852, married John Miller and they have 1 son and 5 daughters; Mrs. Miller died in May, 1893. Third daughter, Nellie J. was born April of 1867 and married Virgil McComb; they have 2 sons and 2 daughters and reside in Bozeman, MT. Mr. Gates now keeps the Gates House in Hortonville. He was a soldier in the Civil War, Company I, Third Wisconsin Calvary and enlisted March 20, 1862; discharged July 12, 1865. Taken from Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GEHRING, John (Civil War) was born in Germany October 10, 1841 and came to Outagamie County in 1858, settling in the town of Freedom on Section 33, T. 22, R. 18. His brother Gottlieb, who is not married, came at the same time. John Gehring was married to Mary Woehler on April 12, 1866. She was born in 1848. Children are: Harvey L., born April of 1868, Oliver born December of 1869, John Jr. born June of 1874, Alma Gehring Bolheim born October of 1878. John Gehring served three years in Company D, 32nd Wisconsin Infantry. Gottleib Gehring served 1 year in Company E., 5th Regt., Wisconsin Infantry. Mr. Gehring resides at 463 North Street, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GERRITS, Martin was born in Holland in 1822; in 1848 he came to this country and settled in Little Chute the same year, where he resided until ihs death. He was married to Elizabeth Gisbers in 1851; Mrs. Gerrits died in March, 1895; they have 13 children, seven of them died previous to 1882. Linda Gerrits was married in 1884 to C. H.L. Hamer, who is now and has been for several years clerk of the city of Kaukauna; they have 2 children. First child, Peter Gerrits born in 1861. Second son, John Gerrits born in 1862; married to Mury Smith in 1892. Thid, Minnie Gerrits, born in 1864; married to John Lamers in 1886; they have 5 children. Fourth, Fred Gerrits, born in 1868. Fifth James Gerrits, born in 1869; married Dora Peters in 1892; they have 1 child. Martin Gerrits was a prominent citizen; he filled several town offices with great ability and taught school in Little Chute many years and was much respected by all his neighbors. Taken from Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GIBSON, W.D. was born in Collins, NY on April 4, 1843 and was married to Emma S. Murch on July 19, 1890. Their son, Dwight Austin was born March 17, 1892 and died the same month. Their adopted son Raymond Leroy was born August 10, 1892. Mr. Gibson has been a teacher for the past 35 years and is at present teacher of Latin in Ryan High School. He resides at 849 Appleton Street, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.

GILMORE, James was born at Whitehall, NY March 4, 1816 and died in Appleton on May 8, 1884. His wife, Catherine R. Gilmore was born January 29, 1822 and died February 9, 1887. They came to Appleton in 1849. Mr Gilmore was a prominent citizen in the early settlement of Appleton, and filled many important offices. They have one surviving son, Beverly T. Gilmore of Appleton now residing at 439 State Street and he has two sons, Beverly Roger born 1882 and James Beverly born April 1884. Mr. Gilmore's occupation is dealing in real estate. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GOELZER, John was born in 1835 and came to Ellington, Outagamie Co. in 1855. Caroline Goelzer was born in 1835 and came to Outagamie Co. in 1855. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GOODLAND, John was born in England in 1831 and came to the US in 1849 and to Appleton in 1867. He is now Circuit Judge of the 10th Judicial Circuiit. Children born are as follows: Abbie R., born in 1853, Edward B., born in 1856, Mary Jane, born in 1858, Fayette, born in 1860, Walter S., born in 1862, edith C., born in 1870, John Jr. born in 1872. The latter two were born in Outagamie County. Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.

GRANT, Louisa, (Whiting) was born in the town of Torrington, CT (Litchfield County) on December 18, 1801 and came to Outagamie Co. in 1852. Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.

GRAVES, E.H. was born in Cortlandt Co, NY on April 25, 1829 and came to Outagamie Co. in November of 1852. He was married in 1849 to Maria Pulford who was born in June of 1833 and died in 1858. Their son, Sylvester L. Graves was born in February of 1850 and is now a conductor on the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. He married his second wife in 1859 and she died in April of 1891. He married his third wife, Mary E. Burk iin 1891. She was born in 1853 at Plover, WI. Harvey A. Graves was born to them in July of 1897 and diedi n 1898. Mr. Graves is a veterinary surgeon and resides at 691 Superior Street. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GREEN, Charles (Civil War) was born in 1836 and came to Outagamie Co. in 1850 and married Mercy R. Bunner in 1861. She was born in 1839. Three children born to them as follows; Reuben Fred, born 1865, Elva M. born 1868, Charles Winslow born in 1877. Mr. Green served in the War of the Rebellion for one year in Company I, 21st Regt., Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He was also Justice of the Peace for 4 years, assessor 1 year for the City of Kaukauna and supervisor for 5 years. Occupation: dealer in real estate and insurance. He reisdes on Plank Road, Kaukauna. Mr. Green was for 12 years station agent of the Northwestern Railroad at Kaukauna. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

GRIGNON, Augustin was born in Green Bay June 27, 1780. About the year 1800 he came as agent of the American Fur Trade Company to Kaukauna (then called Kockaloo) and bought the log house built by Dominic Ducharm in 1790. Ducharm was the first white man who settled in what is now Outagamie County. Augustin Grignon bought of the Indians 1520 acres of land fronting on the river 71 chains and 50 links wide. The United States Government afterwards gave him a patent for the same land. Augustin built an addition to the log house bought of Ducharm and resided in it and traded with the Indians until his death. His son, Charles A. Grignon was born in said housse (which was standing in 1894) on June 15, 1808 and after his father's death continued the business, buying furs of the Indians, until the United States bought all the land of the Indians and removed them to a reservation in Shawano County. He also built a nice frame house where he died, which is now the reisdence of his widow and children. Charles A. Grignon married Mary E. Mead, a sister of Mrs. George W. Lawe and also of M.J. Mead of Kaukauna. They have 3 sons named Augustin, Ross and Charles and 5 daughters named, Fanny, Maggy, Lydia, Mary and Emelia. Augustin Grignon was descended from the famous DeLanglade family. His mother was Domitelle DeLanglade, a daughter of the famous Charles DeLanglade, whose mother was a sister of the head Ottoway Chief, King Nessowa-quet, of Mackinaw. Charles DeLanglade became a famous leader of all the western Indians and it was he who planned and executed the famous battle known in history as the defeat of Gen. Braddock in 1755. He was also with Gen. Montcalm in the battle before Quebec in 1759, which resulted in the surrender of all the Canadas to the British. He was also engaged in most of the battles in the French and Indian War from 1755 to 1760. The children of Augustin Grignon were Margaret, who married Ebenezer Childs; Charles A. born in Kaukauna in 1808, Alexander and Paul and Sophia, who married Louis B. Porlier and Louis Grignon. Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.

GURNEE, Byron was born in Skeneatles, Onondaga Co., NY December 14, 1833 and came to Wisconsin in 1850 and to this county in the fall of 1854. He was married March 21, 1861 to Mary Kethroe, who was born near Bristol, England on March 19, 1842. Their son, Frank H. was born April 19, 1872 and their daughter Edna May was born January 20, 1867 and she died August 30, 1892. Inez E. was born on January 19, 1869. Mr. Gurnee resides at nw 1/4 Section 59, T. 22, R. 16, Ellington. His occupation is farmer. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
