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RANDALL, Helen Rogers, Mrs. was born in New York in 1833 and came to Appleton in 1849. Residence: Grand View Resort, South Haven, MI. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RANDALL, Levi L. was born in the town of Sandgate, Remington County, VT, June 22, 1829. He came to Appleton on the 6th day of April 1850. I am the fifth son of Levi Randall, who was born in Saybrook, CT and came to Appleton at the same time I did. My father was born in the year 1799. I am the father of two daughters, Clarissa A., born in 1860, and Lillian H. born in 1861. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in Vermont in 1825; came to Outagamie County in 1849 and married S.A. Pindle in 1845. She was born in April, 1824. Viola Randall Fox was born in Grand Chute in 1856 and married J.N. Fox. Residence: s.w. 1/4 Sec. 24, T. 21, R. 17. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

REEVE, James T.
was born in Orange County, NY on April 26, 1834; came to Appleton at the close of the war in 1865. Is a physician and surgeon. Laura S. Reeve was born in Essex County, Mass., May 20, 1835 and came to Appleton with her husband in 1865. James S. Reeve was born in Essex County, Mass., August 23, 1864; came to Appleton in 1865. Is a physician and surgeon. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in Lancaster, Erie County, NY in 1849; came to Outagamie County in 1872 and married Melvina Phillips December 12, 1872. She was born in Palmyra, this state, in 1851. Children, Gracie I. born in 1876; E. Jay born in 1878. Occupation: dealer in paints, oils, etc. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in Hillsdale, Columbia County, NY on the 4th day of March 1827. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROBLEE, Wallace
was born in the town of Chester, Warren County, New York on April 20, 1850. When he was 14 years old he came with his parents to Appleton and afterwards moved to Shiocton. He married Georgiana F. True of Ellington on November 23, 1872. Two sons and one daughter were born to them, Melvin Adelbert born in Shiocton, May 15, 1875; Evan True born in Shiocton on May 26, 1877, Susie May, born in Bovina, February 12, 1881. All now reside in the town of Grand Chute on Section 14. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

born in 1843; settled in the county of Outagamie on February 17, 1853. Anna Sager Roehrig, born in 1844; came to Outagamie County in 1855.Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROEMER, Christian, is a native of Germany and was born in 1848; came to America in 1853 and settled in Appleton in 1858. He engaged in the boot and shoe business in 1863 and in the newspaper business in 1881. Editor and publisher of the Appleton Wecker. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born April 2, 1858 at Vinland, Winnebago County; came to Outagamie County in 1872. Is a son of W.H. Rogers, the florist. Married September 23, 1879 to Emma C. Peck at Neenah, who was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, April 29, 1863. Children, Mable G., born January 15, 1880, Bertram C., born October 6, 1883, dead; Bessie A. born July 11, 1883. Residence 369 Story Street. Is engaged in the business of life insurance. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in 1835 and came to Outagamie County in 1849. Occupied at greenhouse and pickle factory. Lucinda A. Rogers was born in 1838 and came to Outagamie County in 1857. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROLLOFF, Frederick
was born in Prussia on March 29, 1811 and died March 24, 1868. Carilne Bahr Roloff, his wife, was born in 1817, and died in 1869, They were married in 1837 and came to Outagamie County in 1857. Children, August born March 28, 1839 came to Outagamie County in 1857 and married Alletta Nickel in 1864. She was born in 1845. Their children are: Caroline born April 23, 1866; Julius born October 16, 1867; Henry born March 7, 1869; Frederick, born September 29, 1871; Mary Roloff Schwandt born March 11, 1874; August Jr. born October 1, 1876; Edward born February 21, 1877; Ida born April 23, 1881; Herman born November 22, 1883; Alma born February 22, 1887. Occupation: blacksmith and farmer. Residence on Section 29 and 30, T. 22, R. 15 in the town of Maple Creek, Outagamie County. Mr. Roloff has been chairman of the town seven years, town clerk for four years and now treasurer for three years. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROOT, Philo
was born April 5, 1832 on Pillar Point, Jefferson County, NY; came to Wisconsin in October 1854; married September 26, 1855 to Julia Jaenett Horr of Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, NY. Children born as follows; Frank Albert, August 10, 1856; Hattie Amelia, April 22, 1858; Charlotte Adelia, June 4, 1860, Electa Alite Mary 29, 1862; Nina Alma November 9, 1864; William Arthur, September 3, 1866; Myrtie Adelaide, September 21, 1874. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROSE, John F.
was born in 1837 and came to Outagamie County in 1868. Talken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROSS, Alexander
is a native of Scotland, where he was born in 1817. He came to Outagamie County in 1847 and died seven years ago. He married Ruth Rogers in 1860; she died in 1872. Their only son, Edward was born in 1866; now lives on his father's homestead on Section 29, T. 21, R. 17 in Grand Chute and is engaged in farming. Robert Ross was born in 1819; came to Outagamie County in 1848 and lives with his nephew, Ed Ross. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in Grand Chute in 1858 and was married to Fanny Armstrong in 1880; she was born in 1858. Their children are Leon Howard born in 1881; Willie born in 1883; Charles born in 1887; Perry born in 1892. Residence, 942 Second Avenue, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

ROUDEBUSH, Silas, was born in Ohio, May 11, 1818; came to Appleton in 1854. He had been in California four years, digging gold. He settled on the s.e. 1/4 of section 28, T. 21, R. 17 where he established a home and resided until his death April 30, 1875. March 2, 1847 he married Sylvia Warner. They have had six children, three sons and three daughters. Josephine born December 16, 1847; dead; Frances E. born August 4, 1850; married to Charles Bowen on February 22, 1866; they removed to Iowa in 1872. They have seven children, two sons and five daughters. Third child, Perry G. born December 4, 1854, married Delia Page, they live in Appleton and have two sons and four daughters. Fourth child, Martha A. born November 10, 1856, married G.H. Murphy, January 3, 1878, they have no children; they now reside on the family homestead and Mrs. Murphy's mother resides with them; she is now in her 70th year. Mr. Murphy is engaged in lumbering. Fifth child, David W. was born on January 22, 1858, married Fanny Armstrong on May 27, 1880; they live in Appleton and have four boys. Sixth child, William C., born September 17, 1865, married Minnie R. Stern, they have three boys. Mrs. Wm. Roudebush died in 1876. Mr. Roudebush married for his second wife Miss Catherine Ullman. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

is a native of Austria and was born January 19, 1853; came to Outagamie County in June 1868; married in 1880 to Katharina Schreiter who died in 1849, leaving five boys, as follows: Oscar, born in 1881; Hugo, born in 1883; Joseph born in 1885; Arthur born in 1888; Edmund born in 1891. Married the second time in 1897 to Minnie Feldmeyer. Occupation: shoe dealer. Residence: 899 High street, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in the town of Lisbon, Waukesha County, this state, September 27, 1858; came to Appleton, January 20, 1873, and married Mary F. Wilder June 24, 1885. She was born September 3, 1859. One living child Ellen Eliza was born in Appleton August 30, 1892. From 1873 to 1890 Mr. Rowell was employed as accountant with the Appleton Manufacturing Co. Since then he has been with the Valley Iron Works Manufacturing Co. His present residence is 758 Union Street, City of Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born at Appleton in 1867; his father, Charles Russell (Civil War) came to Appleton in 1858 and went into the war from here, enlisting in the 21st Wisconsin Infantry. Manufacturer of shirts and clothing. Eva Perry Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Perry, was born in Greenville in 1870. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RYAN, Daniel
of the town of Buchanan was born at Castle Connel, Limerick County, Ireland, December 24, 1820. He came to this country May 29, 1850. On the 6th day of April 1856, at Chicopee, Massachusets, he was married to Winnifred Powers, who was born at Killaloe, Clare County, Ireland, May 31, 1831 and came to America January 27, 1850. By way of the Great Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan reached Green Bay, October 7, 1857. From Green Bay they came to Kaukauna and purchased a tract of land in sections 24 and 25, of the town of Buchanan, then a part of the town of Kaukauna. Since coming to this state Mr. Ryan has resided in the town of Buchanan and is a successful farmer and stock raiser. Children, Mrs. Ellen Cripps, Duluth, MN; Mary, teacher, died April 24, 1884; D.J., farmer, town of Buchanan; Malachi, farmer, town of Buchanan; Mrs. Annie Harney, Duluth; Thomas H., lawyer, Appleton; Winnifred, and Dr. M.C., South Kaukauna. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RYAN, David (Civil War) was born in Fort Howard, June 20, 1840; came to Appleton in October, 1853. Agent for coal and wood. He was a private in Company I, 21st and also in Co. D. 41st Wisconsin Infantry. He was wounded in the left arm and left leg at Perryville, Kentucky on October 12, 1862. Henry D. Ryan was born at Fort Howard, October 7, 1837; came to Appleton Jan. 13, 1853, where he has since lived, practicing law. Emily C., his wife, was born at Sheboygan on April 11, 1842, and came to Appleton in 1848. Children, Laura Stoppenbach, William H. and Edith M.Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RYAN, James was born at Fort Howard March 24, 1830; came to Appleton in November 1854 and was married September 29, 1858 to Mary L. Griffis. She died May 19, 1874. They had four children by this marriage, as follows; Samuel J., Martha Mary, Ira M. and Dudley. Married again to Lizzie Studley of New York City, April 28, 1855. Mr. Ryan has filled public positions as follows: alderman, city treasurer, postmaster, mayor, state senator, and is now one of the editors of the Appleton Crescent. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RYAN, Samuel was born in Sackett's Harbor, New York, March 13, 1824 and came to Outagamie County January 13, 1853. He is editor of The Appleton Crescent.Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

RYAN, Thomas was born in the town of Buchanan on January 21, 1867. He is a son of Daniel Ryan, a pioneer of Outagamie County, who came to this state in the early 50's and who now resides in the town of Buchanan. Thomas H. Ryan is a graduate of Ryan High School at Appleton and of the State University at Madison and is now engaged in the practice of law at Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
