Submitting a biography to the Wisconsin Biographies project is actually very simple.

First, everyone should review the Submission Guidelines

Next, prepare the biography.
The preferred method is to create a text file.  HTML documents, make a good second choice, and simply typing the biography as an e-mail is the least desirable of the three.  Ultimately, it will be up to the individual County Coordinator to decide how they want their biographies prepared.  Text and HTML documents can both be posted directly to county pages, but HTML requires much more work to archive and index.

Last, submit your biography by sending it as e-mail or an e-mail attachment to the County Coordinator.  The e-mail address of each County Coordinator is listed on the county's Biographies Home Page or on the County Selection List.
If there is no county coordinator for the county for which you are submitting a biography, you may
send the biography to the state coordinator,
Linda Pingel.

Please be aware that by submitting a biography to the Wisconsin Biographies Project you have given permission for representatives of the Wisconsin Biographies project to examine this file for the purpose of extracting the names of individuals for indexing purposes.  Biographies may also be edited to append the name and e-mail address of the submitter.
