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Julia, Miss was born at LeRoy, Jefferson County
on August 10, 1823 and came to Appleton in the summer of 1862.
Angie Jubas was born in Outagamie County on October 6, 1879.
Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.
JACQUOT, John, was born in
Outagamie County in 1860 (son, Elmer R. Jacquot was born in the
same county in 1861 and died in 1898.) John Jacquot settled in
Greenville on Section 18, T. 22. R.16 in 1849, where he cleared a
farm and established a home where he reisided until his death.
His family now occupies the homestead. Taken from The Outagamie
Pioneer Record.
JACQUOT, Louis was born in
1839 at Cape Vincent, NY. He came to Hortonville in 1856 and was
married to Clarissa C.
Wood in 1858. They have three sons and three daughters now living.
First child, Charles H. born Augusst 16, 1858 married to Atta
Fletcher in 1881; they have three daughters now living and live
in Minneapoils. Second child John L. born June 15, 1850 married
to Elma R. Whiteman, they have one son and one daughter and now
live in Appleton. Third child, Clarissa M. born October 11, 1862
married to William Hollenbeck, editor of the Hortonville Review;
they have no children. Fourth child, Edwin J. born February 23,
1864 and lives in Appleton. Fifth child, Elizabeth V. born August
12, 1866 married Charles V. Benjamin, they have one son and one
daughter and live in Hortonville. Sixth child, Hattie E. born
November 2, 1868 is married to John Printup (died in December
1893) His widow now lives in Hortonville and keeps the post
office. L.F. Jacquot is now a prominent citizen of Hortonville
and has been Justice of the Peace for several years and filled
many important offices. He is now president of the Village of
Hortonville and proprietor of the Arlington Hotel. Taken from The
Outagamie Pioneer Record.
JOHNSON, Eben was born in
Fremont, OH, May 19, 1847 and came to Appleton in April 1874.
Dealer in wood and coal. November 24, 1880 he was married to
Jesse F. Donkeerslet, who was born in Marquette, MI June 15, 1880.
Philip H. Johnson was born in Appleton October 9, 1882 and L.
Constance Johnson was born in Appleton April 2, 1889. Taken from
The Outagamie Pioneer Record.
William, was born July 27, 1811 in
Phildelphia, PA. His father, John Johnson died in Tunnchannock,
PA in 1834. His uncle, Col. William Johnson was a soldier in the
Revoltionary War and lost a leg in the battle of Brandywine.
William Johnson came to Appleton in 1850; he was married May 19,
1845 to Miss Lydia Sophia Story, a daughter of Col. Story and
early settler and prominent citizen of Appleton. They have had
four sons and four daughters; their oldest son Amos Augustus is
married and has one son and four daughters. First daughter, Sarah
Louise is married to C.D. Buckland; they have two sons and three
daughters and now live in Appleton. Third child, Dewitt S.
Johnson married Beulah Johnson and they have two sons and 1
daughter, Mrs. Johnson died November 1892. Mr. Johnson is now
postmaster at Rhinelander, WI. Fourth child, Frances S., Fifth
child, Lena, now dead. Sixth child, William, now dead. Seventh
child, Ina B. and her sister Frances are now in the insurance
bsuness in New York. Eighth child, John Allen married Miss Betha
Breitung; they have two daughters and now live in Appleton.
William Johnson was Mayor of the City of Appleton in 1862, '63
and '64 and treasurer in 1866-7; alderman in 1877 and assessor
from 1879 to 1887, also collector of the United States internal
revenue. He died in Appleton November 19, 1894, his widow and
unmarried daughters now live in New York. Taken from The
Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
Picture is
of Colonel William Johnston.
JOHNSTON, Michael B. was born in Herkimer County, NY in
1830 and came to Outagamie Co. in 1851 and settled on the s e 1/4
section of 14 in Grand Chute, where he now resides. He was a son
of Col. William Johnston, who came to Outagamie County in the
month of June 1851 and located on the same farm where his son
Michael now resides. He was born in Saratoga County NY in 1797
and was married in 1818 to Harriet Faville. Their children are as
follows: William F., born in 1820; Duncan McArthur, born in 1827;
Michael B., born in 1830, George C. born in 1833, Asa W. born in
1836 (died in 1856); John F. born in 1822 (died in 1893).
Margaret M. Finch, wife of John F. Johnston was born in Jay,
Essex County, NY in 1836. She came to Appleton in 1848 and
started the first boarding house. Mr. Johnston was the first post
master of Appleton and filled many important positions in the
early history of Appleton. Their children are William Henry. born
1847; Marion born in 1849 and Emma Johnston Canfield, born in
1852. William Henry Johnston resides at Ishpeming, MI and has
been mayor of the City. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer
JOHNSTON, Thomas was born in
Liverpool, Engalnd in 1847 and came to Appleton in 1873. He was
married to Martha Coutts in 1870 (she was born in the State of
Iowa in 1866). Their childern are: George born in 1871, Ernest
born in 1874, Carrie born in 1877, Sadie born in 1880, Elmer born
in 1884, Harvey born in 1891. Occupation: mason contractor,
Residence: 847 State Street, Appleton, WI. Taken from The
Outagamie Pioneer Record.
JONES, George Clark was born October 15, 1829. His
father's name was William Clark Jones and his mother's name was
Lucy S. Jones. They were married in Benson, Rutland County, VT
and settled in the town of Barry, New Orleans County, NY soon
after they were married, where George was born. His parents then
settled in the town of Springfield, Oakland County, MI, when he
was but 12 years old. His parents were farmers. He was educated
in Oakland County and studied law in Pontiac, MI. In the fall of
1853 he settled in Ontonagon, MI where he practiced law for 15
years and where he was married October 23, 1853 to Elizabeth
Hannah Weller, who was born in Sardinia, NY on June 27, 1828. Her
parents settled at Pontiac, MI when she was quite young. She was
educated in Pontiac, MI and in Rome Academy, NY. She taught
school several years. They had five sons, all born in Ontonagon
as follows: Charles W. born October 1858, lawyer, resides in
Marysvale, Utah, married; George C. Jr, born August 1860, real
estate dealer, resides in White Salmon, WA, Frederick W., born
May 1862 is a physician and resides in Appleton, William S. born
March 1866, fruit grower, resides in Rialto, CA; Edward G. born
Janary 1868, lawyer, resides in Appleton. Mr. Jones has been
engaged in the practice of law and in real estate since he
settled in Appleton in the fall of 1868. Both he and his wife
have been members of the Congretional Church since they settled
here. Mrs. Elizabeth Hannah Weller Jones died April 27, 1895.
Residence is 880 Prospect Street, Appleton. Taken from The
Outagamie Pioneer Record.
JONES, Hiram was born in
Grafton, MA in 1831. He came to Appleton in September 1853. In
December 1861, he married Emily Tallmadge, who was born in
Candor, Tioga County, NY. She came to Appleton as a student at
Lawrence University in 1856. Children: Lyman Asa, born in
November 1865; Alice Louisa, born in February 1870, dead; David
Arthur, born in October 1876. Mr. Jones was a teacher at Lawrence
University. Residence No. 463 South Street, Appleton. Professor
Jones died April 11, 1898. Taken from The Outagamie County
Pioneer Record.
JONES, Sarah, Mrs. is a
native of Vermont and was born in Pittsfield in 1817. She came to
Outagamie County in 1865. Taken from The Outagamie Pioneer Record.
JONES, William ( Civil War) was born in
Massachusetts in 1826 and came to Outagamie County in 1849. He
was married to Martha Leach in 1846. She was born in 1829 and
died in 1868. Her children: Charles I. born in 1847, died in 1865;
Clara Lillian born in 1856, died in 1863, Ella Jones Wait born
1858, Pearly Jones Whitney born in 1866, Oscar Jones Wait born in
1861. Married his second wife, Eunice Wilson in 1869. She was
born in 1831 and died in 1893. She had one child, Azalia F. Jones
Poole, born in 1872. Married to this third wife E.M. Prindle in
1894. Mr. Jones served in the War of the Rebellion 3 years and 3
months in Company I, Third Regt, Wisconsin Calvary. Occupation:
Veterinary surgeon. Residence: Nye Street, Hortonville. Taken
from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
JORDAN, Woodford was born in
Raymond, Cumberland Co., Maine on January 19, 1825. He is from
pioneer stock, having descended from Reverend Robert Jordan of
the Church of England, who came from Dorsetshire, England in 1639
and settled in Falmouth, now Portland, Maine. The line of descent
is as follows: First, Robert, second Dominicus, third, Dominicus,
fourth, Nathaniel, fifth, Dominicus, who was the first settler in
the said town of Raymond; sixth, William, seventh, Dominicus,
eighth, Woodford D., who was the first settler in the Town of
Bovina, Outagamie, WI, having purchased the land from the
Government and built the first house where Shiocton now stands in
1850 and has resided in the town ever since. He married Mary E.
Manning on December 14, 1851 at Algoma, WI, no children. He has
held the office of school district clerk in the town continuously
for 35 years. In June of 1875 he laid out the plat of the village
of Shiocton and at present resides upon his farm north of the
village. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.