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PADDOCK, Sarah came to
Outagamie County in the year 1853. Taken from The Outagamie
County Pioneer Record.
PALMER, E.S. was born
in 1827 and came to Outagamie County when twenty-six years old.
Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PARDEE, Ida G, was born
in the year 1859. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PATTERSON, W.S. was born
in Omro, Winnebago County September 6, 1856; was married August
20, 1884 to Letetia L. Cuff who was born in Hortonia, October 11,
1863. Children, Wilson Shaler, born October 31, 1885; Richard
Alexander born July 26, 1887; Josephine born November 28, 1888;
Abram Conklin; born December 17, 1890; Ruth born November 19,
1892; Louise born September 9, 1894; Baby, not yet named, born
August 21, 1896. W.S. Patterson is engaged in the plumbing, steam
and hot water heating business at 582 Morrison Street. Taken from
The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
And taken from History of Outagamie County - Wilson S. Patterson,
president of the W.S. Patterson Company, contractors for plumbing
and heating and jobbers of pipe, fittings, valves and steam
supplies, at No. 737 College Avenue, Appleton, Wisconsin, is one
of Appleton's well known business men. He was born at Omro,
Winnebaga County, Wisconsin, September 6, 1856, a son of Abraham
and Josephine (Shaler) Patterson and a grandson of Major Ephraim
Shaler, who at one time had charge of Fort Howard. Abraham
Patterson was born in Rochester, New York, and came to Wisconsin
in the 40's locating in Appleton in 1886, after he conducted
hardware stores in various places and here both he and his wife
died. They had five children, all of whom are living. Wilson S.
Patterson first established his present business in 1886 and it
has been successful from the start, now occupying a two-story
factory 26x140 feet, in which are employed 27 hands. The officers
of the company are W.S. Patterson, president, Conrad Verbrick,
vice president, and H.C. Getschow, secretary and treasurer. The
product of the company includes plumbing and heating fixtures,
pipe, fittings and steam supplies, and the Atwood vacuum cleaner
apparatus, and goods are shipped all over the surrounding country.
Mr. Patterson was married in 1884 at Hortonia, Wisconsin to
Letitia Lily Cuff, born October 11, 1862, daughter of Alexander
and Maria (Cuff) Cuff, farming people of Hortonia township,
Outagamie County. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Patterson, five sons and five daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson
and their children are members of the Congretional Church. He is
a Republican in national politics, but in local affairs votes
independently. His fraternal connections are with the Equitable
Fraternal Union and several other fraternal societies. For some
years Mr. Patterson served as secretary of the Wisconsin Master
Plumbers' Association.
PEABODY, George was born in Bridgeport, CT in 1845
and came to Wisconsin in 1848 and to Appleton in 1873. President
Pettibone Peabody Company. Emma C. Peabody was born in Appleton
December 5, 1876. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PEERENBOOM, Julius was born in
Holland April 25, 1837; came to America with his parents in 1858;
landing in New York after a voyage of 54 days. On July 3, 1858,
he arrived in Little Chute and the same year was married to
Minnie E. Speel, who was also born in Holland and came to America
with her parents in 1848. Children born as follows: Maurice S.,
February 8, 1865; George H., 1866; James A., October 25, 1868;
Fred J., December 21, 1869; Henry A., August 9, 1871; Lyda W.,
January 23, 1873; Mae J., March 25, 1875; Grace B., October 20,
1876; Evalyn C., April 1, 1878; Lawrence, April 21, 1880; Belle G.,
October 4, 1882. Henry A., Grace B. and Lawrence are dead. Taken
from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PERRY, Miles was born in
Hartwick, Otsego County, New York on January 31, 1822. His
father, Jonas Perry, resided on a farm and had a family of ten
children, five sons and five daughters, Miles being the youngest
son. The late Seth J. Perry, his oldest brother and he, being the
first to leave the old homestead and settled in Walworth County,
Wisconsin in 1845. The next year Miles came to work for him and
remainded two and a half years, when he returned to his father's
home. September 25, 1849, he was married to Achsah Eldred, a
daughter of Holden and Mildred Matthews Eldred of Milford, Otsego
County, New York. She was born January 7, 1821. Soon after they
were married they started for the then new state of Wisconsin, he
having entered land in 1847 on the s.w. 1/4 of Section 26, T. 21,
R. 16, now being the town of Greenville. After traveling by canal
and boats for about three weeks they arrived within a few miles
of what was to be home. Mrs. Perry stayed with an Irish family in
Winnebago county for some two weeks, until their shanty could be
made habitable. When they moved into it there was not a door nor
a window. Mr. and Mrs. Perry had a family of three daughters.
Sylvina M. Perry Culbertson was born October 12, 1850; Nancy M.
Perry born February 22, 1853; died November 11, 1871; Libbie F.
Perry Leppla, born July 19, 1861; she married Joseph Leppla March
24, 1880; they have seven children, three sons and four daughters.
Sylvina married Alexander Culbertson April 15, 1869; they have
four sons. In February 1865, Mrs. Perry's parents came to spend
their remaining years with them. Her mother died May 3, 1873,
aged 82 years and her father died October 9, 1877, age of 99
years. Miles R. Perry was drafted for a soldier in 1864 but not
being in good health he hired a substitue, paying $800.00. He
remained on his farm until his health failed, he then sold out in
1883 and lived for a time with his daughter, Sylvina and in 1884
built a small cottage on the farm of A. Culbertson, where he
reisded up until the time of his death, which occurred on July 12,
1890. He was buried at Riverside Cemetery. Appleton. His widow
makes her home with her daughter and is quite well for her years.
Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PERRY, P.G.H. was born in
Pennsylvania in 1825 and came to Outagamie County when 29 years
old. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PERRY, Seth was born in
Otsego County New York October 29, 1813, died November 30, 1890.
Abigail L. Perry was born in Otsego County, New York, November 7,
1817, died April 11, 1880. Children, Susan C. born December 5,
1838 at Otsego, New York; William C. born September 5, 1843.
Susan C. was married to George W. Putney, December 14, 1857.
Their children are Fred E. born April 2, 1859; Arthur S., born
December 19, 1860; Lester E. born Mary 15, 1857; Cora B. born
August 22, 1872. Residence: No. 850 Oneida Street, Appleton.
Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PETERSEN, F. Sr. born in
Schleswig, Holstein, March 28, 1832; came to this county in 1856
and to Appleton in 1863. His occupation is that of butcher. Marie
Johanna Petersen was born on June 6, 1839 in Saxony, Germany;
came to Outagamie County in 1858. Fred Petersen Jr. was born in
the town of Clayton in Winnebago County in 1860, but has lived in
Outagamie County ever since. Is a stock buyer and dealer in meats.
Henry W. Petersen was born in Center, Outagamie County in 1861.
Occupation: Hardware dealer. Taken from The Outagamie County
Pioneer Record.
PHINNEY, James was born at
Vernon Center, Oneida County, NY on July 4, 1822 and came to
Appleton November 8, 1849; and taught the first class in
mathematics at Lawrence University; he now resides at 537 South
Durkee Street, Appleton. Mrs. Helen L. Rich Phinney was born in
Penfield, Monroe County, New York, January 10, 1825 and married
James M. Phinney November 24, 1847. Children: Mrs. H.C. Sloan,
born in Dartford in 1849, married to H.C. Sloan, district
attorney of Douglas County, in 1878. They now reside in West
Superior. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
Peter, Sr. (Rep.) of the city of Kaukauna,
born June 5th, 1835 in Geisfeld, Prussia (Rhineland). Received a
common school education; is a retired farmer and blacksmith; came
with his parents to Wisconsin in 1846, and to Meeme, Manitowoc
county in March, 1848. Enlisted in Company B, 45th Regiment,
Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, as a private; was stationed at
Nashville, Tennessee; promoted to sergeant and was mustered out
at the expiration of war by order of the war department.
Has been postmaster of Meeme nineteen years. Was secretary at the
Meeme Mutual Home Protective Fire Insurance Co. seven years. He
was elected to the assembly from the First district, Manitowoc
county, for the year 1882. Moved with his family to the
city of Kaukauna in 1890, was appointed postmaster in 1894 by Dr.
H. B. Tanner, first Republican mayor of the city of Kaukauna, and
held the office under different Republican administrations for
four years. Is now holding the office of supervisor of the
third ward and has been ten years, the last five years having
been elected without opposition. Was elected member of the
assembly in 1908, receiving 2,265 votes against 2,225 votes for
Henry Knapstein (Dem.). Notes: Peter came with his family
on the Brig Albana, out of Antwerp, Belgium, arriving July 29,
1846 in NYC. The family was listed as Peter Phillips 42, tailor,
from Germany to US; Gertrude 41; Nickolas 13; Peter 11; Adam 7,
Mathias 4, Helena 1 1/2 yrs. In the 1830s the family lived
in Geisfeld, Trier, Rhineland, Germany. Peter's father bought
land in Meeme on August 1, 1849. Most of the Philipps family are
buried in the cemetery at St. Fidelis Catholic Church, Meeme twp,
Manitowoc County, WI Peter Philipps (b 1835) married Anna Gross (b
1842) in 18.. in Meeme, Manitowoc County.
Their children were Elizabeth (1861), Peter (1863), Helene (1864),
Anna (1866), Andrew (1868), Willie (1871), Catherina (1873), Mary
(1876), Margaret (1880), Rose (1883), Clara June (1886), Sophia (1890).
Per Federal Census submitted by Joyce Phillips, Madison,
PIERCE, Dudley was born in
1871 in Appleton, married Laura A. Briggs in 1893. She was born
in 1871. Children, Josephine L. born September 30, 1894; Virginia
E. born March 13, 1897. Occupation: real estate dealer.
Residence, south end of Locust Street, Appleton. Taken from The
Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PIERCE, Humphrey was born
February 5, 1837 at Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine; came to
this state in 1850 and located in Appleton, September 3, 1857 and
has made this place his home ever since. Married Emily J.
Harriman October 12, 1869, Children: Dudley H. born February 22,
1871; Florence J. born December 3, 1873; Ella C and Jessie E.
born on April 17, 1876; Frederick H., Genevieve A.; Lawrence R.;
and Byron W. Business: Lawyer and real estate. Taken from The
Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
POLIFKE, William was born in
Prussia May 17, 1846; married Nannie A. Campbell April 22, 1874;
settled in Appleton in May 1883. Residence, 584 North Street,
POMEROY, Hugh. (Civil War) Captain
Company G., 2nd Regt. W.N.G., son of Lt. Col. Henry and Swena
Pomeroy, was born in September 1865 at Appleton. Letter carrier.
Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
POMEROY, Ralph was born in
Appleton in 1861. Newspaper man. Taken from The Outagamie County
Pioneer Record.
POND, Orson was born in
Hector, New York May 2, 1841 and came to Appleton in April, 1866;
married Josephine R. Marston on December 24, 1877. She was born
at Paris, this state, August 14, 1844; her children were Clara L.
born June 26, 1879 and Josephine M. born February 1, 1881. Mrs.
Pond died February 4, 1881. Married second time to Lellah Marston
August 21, 1881. She was born in September 1856; her children are
Ralph W. born April 15, 1882; Mattie E. born September 20, 1884;
Willard E. born August 14, 1887; Herbert M. born September 21,
1893 and Harold W. born September 20, 1897. Residence at 704
Union Street, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer
POOLE, Orlow M. was born
in 1840 and came to Hortonville with his parents ten years later
and settled on the s. 1/2 s.w. 1/4 Section 35, T. 22, R. 15, now
the village of Hortonville. He was married in 1865 to Hattie A.
Cornish. They have four sons and three daughters. Their oldest
son, Silas A. was born in 1870 and was married to May Fesler in
1894. They have two sons and now live in the town of Maine.
Sarah, their oldest daughter was married to Wm. M. Nims in 1887;
they live in New London. Orlow M. Poole now resides on his
father's homestead.
POTTS, George was born
in 1868 in the town of Grand Chute. He died October 8, 1898.
Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PRATT, Miles was born
July 29, 1811 in Rutland County, VT; was married to Deborah
Cooley January 10, 1836 in Attica, New York. She was born in
Attica March 17, 1815. They came to Wisconsin in 1854 and settled
in Appleton in the spring of 1867. Mr. Pratt died in July of 1876.
Children still living are Celia P. Harriman born December 23,
1838; Mary A. Pratt; Amelia P. Whitford; Eliza P. Spaulding;
Edgar M. Pratt. Celia Pratt Harriman, a daughter of Miles and
Deborah Pratt was born December 23, 1838 in Albion, MI and was
married in 1860 to Joseph E. Harriman. Taken from The Outagamie
County Pioneer Record.
PRIEST, A.W., (Civil War - children) Vice
President of the Outagamie Paper and Pulp Mill, at Kaukauna, was
born in Waukesha County in 1848; is a son of Henry and Hannah
Colburn Priest, natives of Plattsburgh, NY. The father was reared
in Essex County and in 1829 was married to Hannah Colburn. They
were the parents of ten children as follows: Josiah born in New
York in 1831; died the same year; Esther W. born March 4, 1832 in
New York; came to Wisconsin with her parents and was married in
Appleton in 1852 to Edwin Fitch; they now reside in Washington;
Adaline was born in New York in 1834; came to this state in 1857
and married Earl Fitch. She died March 16, 1877 at Prairie de
Chien; Sarah M. born in New York in 1838, was married in Grant
County, this state to Ransom Lawe and settled in Appleton. She
died in Chicago where Mr. Lawe now resides, being employed in the
post office there. William H. born in New York in 1840 was
married in Appleton to Louisa Osborn and now resides in
Minneapolis. He enlisted in Captain Jewitt's company, 21st
Wisconsin Infantry for three years and was discharged on account
of disablility; James born in New York in 1843, enlisted in the 6th
Wisconsin Infantry. He died December 27, 1862 at Arlington
Heights, his death being caused by exposure; Hannah M. born in
Waukesha in 1845 died there September 5, 1846; Ellen M. born in
Appleton May 5, 1851 was married there in 1869 to Albert Baker
and died at Antigo on June 6, 1891; Fremont born in Appleton July
6, 1857, died there December 6, 1862. Grandfather Priest was a
native of England and was a British soldier coming to New York
during the War of the Revolution. Grandfather Ephraim Colburn and
his wife Hannah Bigelow were New York people and in a very early
day came to Wisconsin territory, where they died. Albert W.
Priest received his education in public schools of Appleton and
while yet a boy commenced working for his father in the saw mill,
where he continued until 1869, when he came to Kaukauna and
worked in various mills. In 1857 he became proprietor of a
planing mill, putting in the first planers in Kaukauna and at the
same time operated a saw mill at Snyderville until 1883, the year
before which he built the Fox River Paper and Pulp Mill and
conducted the same for a number of years, when it was leased to
Oscar Thilmany. In 1888 Mr. Priest, in company with A.W. Patten
and Henry Hewitt bought a water power privilege at the foot of
the Kakauna rapids and formed a water power company, also built
dams on the property, making one of the best water powers on the
river, on which they erected, the same year, for the Outagamie
Paper and Pulp Company one of the most extensive paper mills in
the country, its dimensions being 60x320 feet. It is equipped
with two paper machines and all necessary machinery for
converting wood and rags into pulp to supply the same. Print
paper is manufactured exclusively, and employment is given to
over 100 hands. The personnel of the company is as follows:
President, A.W. Patten, vice president, A.W. Priest, secretary,
John McNaughton of Appleton, treasurer, Alexander McNaughton of
Kaukauna. In 1871 at Appleton, Mr. Priest was married to Aimee
Stephens, a native of Jefferson County, NY and daughter of
Charles and Rachel Seville Marble Stevens, who were married in
New York state and in 1853 came to Appleton. Mr. Priest is an
energetic, enterprising and highly successful business man. At
the present writing he is building a new residence of stone and
brick on the banks of the Fox River, commanding an exceedingly
fine view. In his policitical preferments he is a republican. In
addition to his business interests he is director of the Bank of
Kaukauna. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
PROCTOR, Benjamin was born in
New Hampshire in 1795 and came to Appleton in 1850, and married
Julien Post about 1822. He died in 1867. Children, Julia Ann,
born in 1827, dead; Benjamin Franklin, born in 1829, dead; Arabel
born in 1834, now lives in Chicago; B.F. came to Appleton with
this father, and in 1853 married Anna M. Sanborn, who was born in
Massachusetts in 1836. No children living. She now resides at 529
College Avenue, Appleton. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer
PYNN, J.E. was born at Appleton, Wisconsin
December 22, 1873; married August 12, 1896 to Miss Myra Parish.
Children: Carleton Parish Pynn born May 16, 1897. Occupation:
Cler, American Express Co., Residence 621 Catherine Street. Taken
from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.