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WAGG, Solomon R., superintendent and secretary of the Fox River Paper Company mills at Appleton, Wisconsin, has won a reputation that is international as an inventor of paper making machinery and has been intimately connected with the business of paper making for a long period of years. Born in Cumberland, Maine on Janaury 2, 1846, he moved at 3 and 1/2 years of age to Yarmouth, Cumberland county, Maine. Mr. Wagg is a son of Elbridge G. and Hannah (Reed) Wagg and a grandson of Samuel Wagg. The family was founded in 1750 in which year the first to settle in this country came from England to the New England States. Samuel Wagg was a soldier during the Revolutionary War, in which he served 7 years and his pension papers, signed by John C. Calhoun are kept as valued family possessions by his dependants. Elbridge G. Wagg was born in Auburn, Maine and in November 1844 was married at Cumberland Center to Miss Hannah Reed, daughter of William and Margaret Reed, farming people of that section. Mr. Reed was also a seafaring man, and his father, William Reed, was a man of much means, loaning money to the Federal Government during the Revolutionary War, which, it is claimed was never repaid. Elbridge G. Wagg was a farmer and school teacher, was superintendent of schools of Cumberland county for ten years and was twice elected to the State Legislature. He was a cousin of ex-Governor and Later Congressman Dingley of Maine, through his mother, who was a Miss Dingley. Of the eight children of Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge G. Wagg, Solomon R. was the oldest. Solomon Wagg worked on his father's farm during the summer and attended the schools of his district during the winters until he had attained the age of 17 years, at which time he accepted a position as railroad baggagemaster, and after two years began learning the trade of papermaker in a mill at Yarmouth. In 1871 he went to Adam, Massachusetts, entering the employ of the L.O. Brown Paper Company, with which he continued seven years, during which time he learned every detail of the business. After working in other mills in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York, Mr. Wagg in 1884 came West to Wisconsin, locating in Neenah, where he became superintendent of the Kimberly, Clark & Company's mill, but after two years resigned to take a like position at the Fox River Paper Company's mills, where he has since been employed. The great store knowledge which Mr. Wagg had accumulated during his many years of experience in paper mills of every size and kind in the country, assisted him in making this mill one of the finest in the United States, its growth under his management being little short of phenomenal, while his inventions were a Jorden engine, which has been sold all over the world; a stone lining for a paper engine, a big improvement over past methods, which is already in use in numerous mills, and about 20 improvements and patents on paper making engines. He is an honorary member of the Academy of Science, Paris, France, which membership was granted him as inventor of certain articles used in the art of paper making. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and in politics he is a Republican, but he has never desired to attain public preferment. He has, however, devoted a great deal of time to temperance work, being associated with Father Fitzmaurice and others. In 1873 Mr. Wagg was married to Sarah Ling, who was born in Odletown, Province of Quebec, Canada, daughter of Abram and Elizabeth Ling. Four children were born to this union, namely; Angie, Frederick, William and James. Frederick died from typhoid fever in August of 1900, aged 24 years.

WARNER, Mrs. Amy was born in 1817 and came to Outagamie County in 1856. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WEBLEY, James (Civil War) was born in Monroe County, NY on September 22, 1822; came to Greenville in 1847; married to Sarah Wood, March 1847; died March 11, 1856; her children, James E. born December 8, 1848, died in 1850; Casper born November 28, 1851; married second wife, Eliza Walters, May 7, 1857; was born March 19, 1825; Henry born February 5, 1861, died December 29, 1875; Clara born December 14, 1869. Served in the War of the Rebellion a year and a half in Company A., 50th Regt., Wisconsin Infantry. Residence, corner of Rankin and Washington streets, Appleton. Children of Eliza Webley by first marriage; Margaret Walter, born April 25, 1849; Samuel Walter, born September 19, 1851; Anna Walter born August 17, 1854. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WEILAND, Nicholas
was born November 20, 1840 in Germany and came to Outagamie County in 1860. He married Margaret Karn February 2, 1868. She was born in Germany in 1848. Children: Mary Elizabeth, Charlotte, George H., dead; Henry B. and Frank E. Residence 925 Sixth Strret. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WERNER, Miss Marie
(Obit) died here Sunday, aged twenty years. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning. Surviving are her sisters, Mrs. George Moyer of Appleton, Mrs. John West, of Kaukauna, and her brother, Charles Werner of Kaukauna and Paul Werner of Newbug, Canada.The Appleton Evening Crescent, September 11, 1906.

WEST, Edward,
was born in 1818 and came to Milwaukee in 1836, and to Appleton in 1854. He taught the first school in this state. Amanda Mary West was born in 1848 and came to Appleton in 1851. Taken from the Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WEST, Nicholas, aged twenty-two years, was buried from Holy Cross church Monday morning at 9 o'clock. His death occurred from consumption after an illness of a year. A trip to Denver, Col. and an attempt to reside there resulted disastrously, only aggravating his disease. Surviving are his father, Theodore West, his sister, Mrs. Nellie Ebbens of Freedom, and his brothers, Peter, George and John West, of this city, Henry of Freedom and Albert of Grand Chute. Father Julius Rhode, his pastor, conducted the services and interment was at holy Cross cemetery. The Appleton Evening Crescent, September 11, 1906.

. is a native of the state of Maine, where he was born in the year 1855. He is a son of S.S. Whitman, who was born in Maine in 1811. He came to this state in 1857 and settled in Algoma, now Oshkosh, and in 1859 removed to Hortonville. In 1870 he came to Appleton and attended Lawrence University. He is now practicing law and is also engaged in the real state business. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WHORTON, W.D. was born March 17, 1861 at Appleton. He is a son of W.G. Whorton who came to Appleton in 1849 on a prospecting tour and moved to Appleton with his family in 1853. He died in California in 1897. William D. Whorton is conducting an exclusive wholesale and retail crockery store on College Avenue in Appleton. Taken from the Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WILLIAMS, John Adrian, (Obit) aged 36 years and 6 months, departed this life at 6:30 Monday evening, October 23, of the dread malady consumption. Deceased was born at Deer River, Minnesota, and when a small boy moved with his parents to the town of Buchanan where they settled upon a hometead and where the family have since resided. For the last thirteen yers deceased had been employed in the finishing room of the Combined Locks Paper company, conclusively showing that he was a steady and trustworthy employee. He was married in November, 1889, to Cora Cutler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cutler, who with one little girl, aged three years, survive. He is also survived by his father and mother, five sisters and two brothers, Miss Anna Williams, Appleton; Mrs. Henry Engels Green Bay; Mrs. John Stievenberg, Kimberley; Mrs. John Simon. Kaukauna, Miss Hattie and Messrs. John and Martin Williams, at home. The funeral was held at St. Mary's church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. The pall bearers were as follows: Nick Haupt, Jos. Jerikowic, Jos Zink, Henry Farrell, Henry Bruecker and Peter Hoolihan. Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, October 27, 1905

WILSON, WIlliam (Civil War) was born in England 1847 and came to Outagamie County in 1876; married in 1874 in Grand Chute to Miss C.E. Taylor, who was born in Beaver Dam in 1856. Children born as follows: Grace M. 1876; Edith 1877; William L., 1879; Nettie 1884; Blanche 1886; Ethel, 1889; Harry 1891; George F., 1895; Marjorie 1897. Served during the war in Batteries M and G, Second Illinois Light Artillery; enlisted January 4, 1864 and served until the end of the war. Occupation: contractor; present street commissioner of Appleton, Residence: 971 Appleton Street. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WIRTZ, Frank was born in 1819 and came to Outagamie County in 1850. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

was born in Germany in 1836 and came to Appleton in 1871. Merchant who resides at 667 Appleton Street. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WOLCOTT, Frank H. was born in Monroe County, NY in 1841 and came to Outagamie County in 1849; occupation, farmer. Addie, born in Winnebago county in 1847; married 1867. May A. born in Winnebago county, 1863, married William Taylor 1890; Rose F. born in Winnebago county 1871; Archie born in Outagamie County in 1871. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WOLCOTT, Gideon. The subject of this sketch was born in the month of June 1805 and came to Appleton in the spring of 1849. He was married to Ruth W. Sweetland June 27, 1830. They had ten children of whom six are now living. Gideon Wolcott died on March 26, 1867. Ruth, his wife, died in 1891. James Alonzo, born 4, 1844. He served three years in the Civil War. In 1875 he married Sarah A. Woodland. They had had three children, two of whom are now living in the town of Grand Chute. First child, Walter Alonzo born April 7, 1877. Edward O. born June 29, 1880, dead; Harvey Howard born on the 5th of October, 1889. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WOLF, John, (OBITUARY) John Wolf, Sr., who had been a resident of Kaukauna for more than a quarter of a century, died of kidney trouble Saturday morning at his home on Third street after an illness of five days. He was born in Germany 69 years ago and came to this country in 1879, locating at Manitowoc. Shortly after his arrival he secured employment with the old Lake shore & Western Railway company and when the shops were moved to Kaukauna he was transferred here. He continued in the employ of the Lake Shore company and with the North-Western company until tow years ago when he retired on a pension. Mr. Wolf is survived by his wife and three daughters and five sons, Mrs. F.D. Langlois, Mrs. Celia Chopin, Mrs. Michael Woubleski, Wenzel, John, Albert and Edward of Kaukauna, and Louis of Antigo. The funeral was held from St. Mary's church Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and was conducted by the Rev. F.X. Steinbrecher, assisted by the Rev. Dusolt and Niles. Among those in attendance from out of town were Lawrence Hartel, Mrs. Henry Hartel, Miss Anna Wolf, Marshfield; Mrs. Meyer, Andrew Handler, Mrs. Albert Handler, Manitowoc; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolf, Antigo; V. Langlois, Mrs. John Broefki, Fond du Lac; Joseph Langlois, Port Dodge, Iowa. Source: Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Oct 11, 1907.

WOLTER, Frederick, was born in Crivitz, Mecklenburg October 10, 1824; died September 3, 1891 in Appleton. Helen Schafer Wolter born in Crivitz, Mecklenburg, September 22, 1830. They were married November 3, 1845; came to American and settled in the town of Greenville on s. 1/2, n.e. 1/4, Section 33, T. 21, R. 16, Outagamie County in the spring of 1855. Children, Dora Pingel, March 16, 1850; Bernard C., February 26, 1853; Herman A., August 21, 1855; Lottie Wait, October 26, 1858; died September 1898; Fred, November 11, 1860; Helen Hanchette, June 3, 1864; Henry May 16, 1865; Otto, November 27, 1872, B.C. married to Flora Spencer September 25, 1879; children, Mabel F. born July 26, 1880; Raymond S. born April 9, 1882, died, April 9, 1889; Robert K. born Septemebr 16, 1882. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WRIGHT, Edwin was born in Appleton October 11, 1858. Is now with the Western Screen Plate works. He is a son of William M. Wright, one of the early pioneers. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.

WUNDERLICH, Charles, one of Ellington township's substantial citizens and the owner of a well cultivated tract of farming land was born on his father's farm in Ellington township, October 22, 1864 and is a son of Christopher Wunderlich. Christopher Wunderlich, who was a native of Germany came to this country at the age of 12 years with his parents, the family settling first in Milwaukee, in which city he grew to manhood. During the 50's he came to Ellington township, purchasing wild land, which he cleared from the timber and cultivated into an excellent farm. For many years he was engaged in farming here and in 1905 he retired from active life and went to Appleton, in which city he and his wife now reside. Charles Wunderlich received a good distirct school education and began to learn the rudiments of farming when still a small boy, assisting his father and brothers in cultivating the home place. He has always worked in this district with the exception of a few years before his marriage, when he was engaged in cultivating some land he owned in Minnesota, but he eventually returned to the home farm. He rented the property here until 1906 when he purchased the farm he now owns and he carries on general farming along scientific lines. Mr. Wunderlich is well versed in crop rotation and an advocate of the use of the latest and most highly improved farming machinery, and the appearance of his property gives evidence of excellent management. In November of 1905, Mr. Wunderlich was married to Miss Martha Discher, who was born in Neenah, Wisconsin in May of 1881 and they had have two children, namely; Harvey, who died at the age of 1 and 1/2 years and Howard, who was born in March of 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Wunderlich are faithful members of the German Lutheran Church of Ellington. Source: "History of Outagamie County."

WURL, Louis was born in 1859 in the town of Center, Outagamie County; he was married to Miss Laura Weissenburg in February 1886. She was born in 1860. Their children are Selma W. born in 1887; Frankie L. born in 1890; Myrtle L. born in 1896. Mr. Wurl has been chairman of the town of Ellington four years and assessor three years, supervisor one year and is now chairman of the County board of supervisors. Taken from The Outagamie County Pioneer Record.
